
The originality of AILA is derived from the combination of the principles applied to Social and Law Sciences with technologies provided by Information Science and Cyber Security. Through the synergy of leading academic experts, we anticipate providing to diverse business domains e.g., e-banking, e-government, e-education) a comprehensive multidisciplinary anti-phishing framework that will be open source and will provide groundbreaking advances in the delivery of personalised anti-phishing legal advice and guidance. to specific high-risk users/employees, thus increasing sustainability of on-line business models and operations.

AILA aims to implement a multidisciplinary research project that will address the following challenges:

I. formalize a novel and multidisciplinary anti-phishing user model that will incorporate human, technology, and legal factors of phishing

II. utilise the user model to design and develop intelligent algorithms that will allow organisations to reason about their phishing readiness level and take informed decisions with regards to employees and stakeholders’ susceptibility to phishing attacks, thus providing groundbreaking scientific advances in phishing prevention and anti-phishing personalisation

III. design and develop innovative recommendation functions that will provide personalised legal advice to organisations (based on domain factors) and end-users (based on profile)

IV. demonstrate a multidisciplinary and open-source anti-phishing framework that will implement phishing prevention and mitigation algorithms, reaching Technology Readiness Level4 (TRL4 – Technology Validated in Lab)

V. deliver validated anti-phishing adaptation heuristics aiming to facilitate the transfer of scientific knowledge (that will derive from valid real-world case-studies that will be implemented within the participating organizations – higher education domain) to other domains like egovernment, e-health or e-banking etc.