Artificial Intelligence-driven Framework and Legal Advice Tools for Phishing Prevention and Mitigation in Information Systems



Formalize multidisciplinary anti-phishing user models

AILA will suggest an anti-phishing user model that will consist of three layers aiming to model the phishing cybercrime from multiple perspectives. This will be achieved through an extensive multidisciplinary literature survey aiming to identify specific metrics aligned to static and dynamic human, technology and legal factors.

Deliver novel artificial intelligence-driven anti-phishing algorithms

AILA will utilize the anti-phishing user models for designing the AI-driven algorithms. The algorithms will be based on the interaction among three layers: a) User Profile Layer b) Authentication Policy Layer c) National and EU Laws Layer

Develop an open-source integrated anti-phishing personalization framework

The framework will be implemented and integrated under a unified open-source platform that will be available through a mixed license approach (Apache and GNU) and will be easily integrated into state of the art information systems.

Demonstrate novel anti-phishing analytics and tools

AILA will provide novel anti-phishing analytics to organizational stakeholders that will allow them to take informed decisions related to phishing attacks.

Validate the framework within real-world use cases

AILA will provide of statistically validated open-access datasets that can be used for training anti-phishing user models aimming to fill the gap of such datasets in state-of-the-art-research.

  • 01
    Formalize multidisciplinary anti-phishing user models
  • 02
    Deliver novel artificial intelligence-driven anti-phishing algorithms
  • 03
    Develop an open-source integrated anti-phishing personalization framework
  • 04
    Demonstrate novel anti-phishing analytics and tools
  • 05
    Validate the framework within real-world use cases

University of Patras (UPAT) is a public university in Patras, Greece. It is the third largest university in Greece with respect to the size of the student body, the staff, and the number of departments. The University of Patras is considered one of the best universities in Greece and has been placed in the top 200 universities in subject areas. In 2020, the student population was more than 33.000 (29.901 at the undergraduate level and 3.931 at the postgraduate level). It has 715 faculty members, 226 scientific staff members and 454 administrative personnel and comprises 7 Schools and 35 Departments. UPAT is an Endorser of the “European Charter for Researchers” and “Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter & Code)” and host of hundreds of Erasmus Students and Academic Exchange Staff.


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), is a public university in Thessaloniki, Greece. The University’s particular triptych is specified as Interdisciplinarity, Internationalist and Intercultural Education. AUTh is one of the largest universities in South Eastern Europe and has more than 70.000 undergraduate and postgraduate students, 4.000 are international. AUTh has almost 2000 members of Academic Staff and 1015 members of all the other staff categories. It comprises 42 schools covering all scientific fields. The general research performance reveals that AUTh has active participation in 48 research networks with the collaboration in 1705 research projects, 350 of which are related to water resources issues. Over the last five years the AUTh has implemented more than 4500 Research and Technological Development Projects, covering mainly the scientific areas of the environment, information technology, communications, industrial technologies, heritage archaeology and social/economic sciences, among others.

research team

Dr. Christos Fidas
Dr. Christos FidasUniversity of Patras
Dr Dimitrios Kosmopoulos
Dr Dimitrios KosmopoulosUniversity of Patras
Dr Nikolaos Avouris
Dr Nikolaos AvourisUniversity of Patras
Dr Dimitrios Serpanos
Dr Dimitrios SerpanosUniversity of Patras
George Thomopoulos
George ThomopoulosUniversity of Patras
John Katoikos
John KatoikosUniversity of Patras
Dr Ioannis Iglezakis
Dr Ioannis IglezakisAristotle University of Thessaloniki

Dr Panagiota Kiortsi
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki



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Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

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